Monday, May 11, 2009

Gnocchi...dinner in a pinch

Okay, so I made gnocchi and was surprised how easy the whole thing was. The recipe calles for 1lb. of potatoes and 1 cup of flour. Two potatoes of mine constituted a pound so I put about 5 unpeeled potatoes in to boil in my dutch oven for over 30 min. They felt soft enough, and I held them with a dishtowel to peel them. I actually thought peeling them after would be more of a pain than before, but the peels came off so easily. I put them into a bowl, then mashed them, only to find out that I should have left them on for about 5-10 more minutes, because they were kind of chunky as opposed to mushy. The recipe said to add half the flour and work in more until it becomes a dough consistency. Adding to much would lose all flavor and adding to little, would make them crumble. I also added salt and fresh ground black pepper. Then I dug my hands in and began to mix. I was alarmed to see that after adding the entire cup of flour it still didn't have a dough consistency, then remembered that I did have more potatoes. So, another half a cup later, it felt like dough. ta-da. Then I scooped a little out and rolled it into a long worm about 1/2" thick. Oh I put water on to boil and salted it thoroughly. I then cut the "worm" into 1" pieces, then with a floured fork, pressed in to make indentations. After each roll, I would drop it in the water, and prepare another roll. By the time I was done, the gnocchi had floated to the top and stayed there for about a minute. I used a slotted spoon to retrieve them and then I set it aside. I was working with limited food availability in my kitchen, so here is how the improvisation went. I sauteed garlic in evoo and then added a bag of frozen vegetables. There was broccoli, red peppers, baby corn and carrots. I sauteed those all up, added salt, pepper, and a dash of oregano and BAM! Dinner.
After making gnocchi, I have come to a couple of conclusions.
-It is definetly a budget friendly meal.
-Effort is minimal.
Next time, I would like to try using different kinds of flours, and definetly different sauces.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Gnarly Gnocchi

Alright seesters, It is the month of May and I have chosen to make gnocchi. Now I would like to actually make it from scratch and incorporate it into meals and dishes. So, ready, get set, go. It's Gnocchi time!!!!!