Monday, September 28, 2009

Mmm Greg's cooking and Cloud's oven broke!!! Where have I been? So how did Greg make the roasted chicken? Since you did your last harvest what will you guys do with the garden all winter?

So school's going good... I guess??? I'll be glad when this semester's over. Cloud and I are trying to get together and book/send evites for the camping trip.

I'm trying to find time so I can decorate my house in fall decorations. I'm kind of excited. I don't know if I'll make anything or just garage sale.

I propose for the month of October to make Halloween treats. We could do rice krispies, popcorn balls, cupcakes, and much more. Let me know what you guys think.

Well ttyl
Love you guys
*BaBy DuCk*

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hello Seesters.

Let's use this blog! I propose that we just use this to keep in touch with each other. We just all post here about what's going on. That can be things we're cooking or sewing. Or goals we reach. Or stuff going in school or whatever. We can give recipe ideas, craft ideas - anything.

What do you think?

For instance, we just harvested the last of the summer veggies. We got a huge sweet potato that looks like a duck. And Greg made a roast chicken the other night that was DE-lish! I'm trying to teach him to cook.

Amelia, have you used your dutch oven yet?

Cloud, what have you been doing for dinner since you don't have a stove?

Our water pump went out last night. So we are without water for at least the weekend. Fun times. That should present a challenge with cooking dinner!

Holla back seestahs.